Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Today wase a day of Freebies. It began this am when Joseph and I walked to Andrea's apartment. We walk there every Tuesday am to meet with the ladies on our team. The Korean, Belarussian and American women meet to spend time together and to eat lunch. On the way I stopped at a bakery to buy some sweets for the meeting. Joseph was with me and the workers at the bakery made over him, and then when I paid they gave me a free loaf of sweet bread with raisins. That'll work. Later in the afternoon Jim and I took the kids to the new mall by our home. I purchased gifts for the girls in my English class. The sales clerks fussed over Joseph, who was in a good mood and smiled and shook his head "no-no" for the ladies. Who wouldn't love that? When I paid for the gifts they gave us a free plush turtle puppet (I assume for Joseph). It really is cute and of pretty good quality. Hooray, a turtle! As we were leaving the mall, Jim surprised us all by suggesting we eat at the new chicken sandwich fast food restaurant. It's called "Do and Me"....I don't know why......it just is. I was trying to order in Chinese and I was pointing at pictures alot. As I was going thru all that a worker was filling cups of " ice-cream" for us.....once again free.....they must have gotten the memo on it being freebies for Howes Day. We were thankful for the pastel scoops of "ice-cream" . The consistancy was a little different than we're use to, but it wasn't horrible. Emma hated the lavendrer (she said it tasted like butter) but Selah loved the green (melon flavored). The white scoops were just a sweet flavor. We found a seat and studied our ice-cream and our fries were brought to us. And because Joseph is just so handsome, they brought toys for him.......a truck that goes when wheeled backwards, and a set of matching fork, spoon and chopsticks. Can't beat that. After dinner we walked to the grocery store. We knew the day was over and time to go home when nothing free was offered to us there. The walk home was slow with groceries and full bellies. But what a great day being showered with freebies!


Bonnie Jo said...

What fun! Everyone loves "FREE". And that picture of Joseph and Selah is so sweet...they are both growing up so fast! Selah looks so pretty. And we all know Joseph is too cute...in any language!! LOVE YOU ALL! Bonnie

Kristi said...

Free, Thats a word that everyone loves.. Your had better look out sounds like Joseph is going to be one cutie pie with the ladies..LOL.. Not even Elli could pull off freebies..LOL..( But while he is small keep up the good work...LOL)

Selah looks so beautiful in that picture. She is growing up really fast..

What about Chocolate Ice Cream?


LossFam said...

FREE! That's great! You know that I am a bargain shopper, so I am so proud of the Howe family. Free is the best bargain you can get. Although, I'm not so sure that you could have pulled that off without all your beautiful kids. By the way, that's a good pic of Selah & Joseph. Here's a challenge...Why don't you and Jim go out alone and see if you get any freebies. That'll tell us if it's the kids or you 2 that are so cute. :-)
Love ya! Heather

Fuson's in Alaska said...

Love it....I want a "freebie day" I think I'll take Steve to store and have him shake his head and say no-no!! THink that will work???

Moulder's said...

Yes, I agree, Free is The Best!! I remember how I used to go in places with Lucas and people would give us free stuff. Once we went into a Rural King and an older man pulled out a quarter or maybe even a half dollar and gave it to him when he was about 3. Other places we got cookies, or little bags of candy or a small toy. It was great. Come to think of it, I don't believe we got much free stuff with Samuel and Adam. Hmm does that mean that people aren't as generous now, or that people don't think ones as cute as another, or maybe more likely that now I usually have more than one boy with me so maybe people don't have 3 of whatever they would have given... hmmm Anyway, love hearing how you had a great free day and all the things you and the family are experiencing. Oh, today (12/9) was Bob's 44th B-Day. We ate at Ryan's and he thought that I set him up as an employee gave him a Senior Discount Club Ticket (hee hee) you're supposed to be 60 to join... No, I hadn't talked to anyone about it. Interesting that it happened about 4 weeks after he got an invitation from a Christian Senior Club inviting him to join it. (LOL) Love ya, Gina

Penny said...

What a great day!!! The rewards of having adorable children.

What about vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

Love you all,